Cambridge Consultants have released a design for a new Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) low power receiver to cost less than 10 dollars.
Expected to be ready in 2020 it will be available for any radio manufacturer to license and incorporate into their own products. The radios that can receive DRM today remain very expensive, especially for those markets that would benefit most.
So this low-power prototype, that can run from solar or wind-up, is going to address the need for information by the approx. 60% of the world’s population that does not currently have Internet access or TV.
And CIB’s David Prewett says: “Perhaps a radio receiver will appear which would save the existence of the Medium Wave Band in the UK? It just needs a low-cost receiver and the will power of the Beeb or commercial radio to start a DRM channel in the UK. A prime candidate would be the Droitwich long wave site.”