Radio Caroline 50th Anniversary News Roundup

With the 50th anniversary of Radio Caroline starting broadcasting from the m.v. Caroline, 5 miles off the Harwich coast on Easter Sunday, 29th March 1964, here is a quick roundup of what the media have to say…

Tim Muffet for the BBC introduces a short 3 minute video about Radio Caroline’s first 50 years. It includes Simon Dee, Tony Prince and Tony Blackburn. You’ll also find another short video and report from BBC Essex here. Plus there’s a report by Laurence Cawley about the the Swedish guy who first pressed Radio Caroline’s ‘on’ button to start the UK’s music radio revolution.

ITV have compiled a three part video series about Radio Caroline to commemorate its 50th anniversary since its start in March 1964. The first part is presented by David Johns and includes contributions by then BBC Director General, Frank Gillard, DJ Keith Skues, Paul Graham, Roger Day and then Postmaster General, Tony Benn. There’s also an illustrated article here and we certainly agree with Peter Moore’s view:
The UK radio industry does a brilliant job of serving its shareholders but it’s so corporate they seem to have forgotten that the end product is the listener…”. The full version of ITV’s Radio Caroline Birthday Feature by David Johns is now here.

Also on the ITV website is a video interview with one of the very first Radio Caroline DJs who is now a Conservative MP, Sir Roger Gale.

Under the title: “How a radio ship and 7 men shook up Britain in 1964“, Colin Morrison traces in fascinating detail – some of it little known – Radio Caroline’s launch and the people behind it, including some figures who preferred to remain in the shadows.

The Liverpool Echo and Wirral News both report plans to celebrate the anniversary with broadcasts from The Mersey Bar Lightship, berthed at Liverpool’s Canning Dock.

The Daily Telegraph interviews one of Radio Caroline’s best remembered DJ’s, Dave Lee Travis with some of his experiences while on Radio Caroline South in the 1960’s on board the m.v. Mi Amigo.

Interesting illustrated article by Dominic Midgley of the Daily Express under the title: Radio Caroline was the boat that rocked the music business.

Nicola Jordan in Kent Online wishes Radio Caroline Happy Birthday with a fascinating illustrated article.

In the Lincolnshire Echo former Radio Caroline and Radio City DJ Tom Edwards recalls his pirate radio days.

The Orange news site has an interesting article by an unnamed personality who used to work both for Radio City and Radio Caroline back in the 1960s.

Dmitry Vostok’s article in The Voice of Russia has an interview with Peter Moore, the current manager of Radio Caroline online.

And Paul Riismandel’s also provides some useful info on upcoming Radio Caroline celebrations.

If you’re interested in a time-line of 1964-1965 events in offshore pirate radio history then you’ll find it at The list of events covers not only Radio Caroline, but also the comings and goings of other offshore stations… Radios Atlanta, Sutch, Invicta, Noordzee, City, Syd, London, King, 390, Tower, Essex and Radio Scotland.


Below is a list of NCRM (National Commercial Radio Movement), CIB (Campaign For Independent Broadcasting) and related documents. This list is not complete and represents only some of the documents which have survived. We intend, if possible, to add more documents to this archive in due course.

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Campaign For Independent Broadcasting (CIB)
1969 September, Policy Statement entitled “For and Against Local/Regional Radio” arguing the need for a two-tier system of UK local AND regional radio stations.
1969 October, Policy Statement proposing the creation of a “Broadcasting Council” in preference to the ITA-IBA system.
1970 24th March, Letter from former FRA and CIB committee member, Tony Peters.
1970 May, Newsletter to Members – At this time the June General Election had not yet been announced by Prime Minister, Harold Wilson, but Radio Northsea International (RNI) was broadcasting on 244 metres Medium Wave, a frequency very close to BBC Radio One on 247 metres. This newsletter also mentions details of Radio Geronimo, broadcasting at the time using the transmitters of Radio Monte Carlo and with a General Election in the offing, provides an overview of the three major political parties’ policies regarding the introduction of UK commercial radio.
1970 May, Newsletter to Members – devoted to the Labour government’s jamming of Radio Nordsee International (RNI), CIB’s activities in Parliament, discussions with MP Paul Bryan, Shadow Minister for Posts & Telecommunications and questions by MP Mr. Eldon Griffiths in the House of Commons.
1970 May, CIB General Election Publicity Sheet – highlighting Labour government failure to keep promises regarding BBC Local Radio and that their radio monopoly policy results in higher license fees, less listener choice and fewer job opportunities.
1970 May, Publicity Sheet – protesting against the Government’s radio station at Chattenden near Rochester, Kent jamming Radio Nordsee International (RNI). CIB organised a demonstration outside the jamming station on Sunday, 31st May 1970 and received publicity not only from RNI but also from the Press and BBC-TV.
1970 27th May, Press Release concerning the jamming of Radio Northsea International (RNI). This includes a statement by CIB as well as a copy of a telex message to CIB from RNI’s headquarters in Zurich, Switzerland.
1970 31st May, Letter from CIB Hon. Chair, David Prewett to Prime Minister, Harold Wilson – castigating his Labour government for “manipulating” UK sound broadcasting policy and providing examples of their misleading statements.
1970 June, Newsletter to Members – features news of CIB’s protests at parliamentary level against the jamming of Radio Nordsee International by the then Labour government and CIB’s demonstration outside the government’s jamming station at Chattenden near Rochester, Kent on 31st May 1970 which was duly reported by BBC-TV the same evening and by the press. Also covered is the upcoming Protest Rally to be held on 14th June 1970 at Speakers’ Corner, Marble Arch, London.
1970 Sun. 14th June, Free Radio Rally, Hyde Park, London, .mp3 43 mins.
This is probably the only surviving audio recording of some of the speeches made that Sunday afternoon at the Hyde Park rally for Free Radio. The rally was jointly organized by CIB (Campaign for Independent Broadcasting) and FRC (Free Radio Campaign), and the recording includes the voices (in speaking order) of David Prewett (CIB Chair), Martin Rosen (CIB Press & Public Relations) and Ronan O’Rahilly.
1970 July, Newsletter to Members – expressing thanks for supporting the “Free Radio” rally and march to Downing Street held on 14th June 1970. This newsletter also included CIB’s updated policy statements to ensure that all members were fully informed.
1970 July, CIB Policy Statements – outlining CIB’s position on the future of Sound Broadcasting in the UK including commercial radio, non-commercial radio and the future of BBC Local Radio. This policy formed the basis for CIB’s position in meetings with the new Conservative government including the meeting with Christopher Chataway, Minister of Posts & Telecommunications held on 14th July 1970.
1970 14th July, Ministry of Posts & Telecommunications Meeting Minutes – The main points discussed at CIB’s meeting with Chris Chataway, Minister of Posts & Telecommunications, were the continuing jamming of Radio Nordsee International (RNI) and CIB’s current policy on the future for UK commercial and non-commercial radio, both local and regional.
1970 August, Newsletter to Members – includes a report on CIB’s recent meeting with Chris Chataway, Minister of Posts & Telecommunications (MinPostTel), together with a copy of the meeting minutes; also the latest news about Radio Nordsee International and information about MinPostTel’s contacts with the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) regarding the continuing transmissions by Radio Northsea International (RNI).
1970 September, “Electronics Weekly” article – based on CIB policy statements of July 1970.
1970 October, Newsletter to Members – includes updates on Radio Nordsee International, Capitol Radio, Radio Geronimo, Manx Radio, Radio Luxembourg and BBC Radio London. Also news about CIB meetings with various Members of Parliament and MinPostTel as well as news about Reading Free Radio Group, Bristol Free Radio Movement and other local free radio groups.
1971 January, Newsletter to Members – records details of meetings with MP’s including Wilf Proudfoot (ex Radio 270), meeting with MinPostTel, CIB press conference, BBC local radio, as well as news about RNI, Radio Monte Carlo International and Capital Radio.
1971 29th January, Copy of Fax from Radio Nordsee International announcing RNI’s intention to start broadcasts in English from m.v. Mebo II off the Belgian coast from middle of February 1971.
1971 January, CIB Policy Statement – amendments to CIB’s position on the establishment of UK commercial radio concerning themed programming, daytime AM/Medium Wave broadcasts in addition to 24 hour FM/VHF output, CIB’s position regarding the government’s favouring a single news source to serve all commercial stations. Reference is also made to an independent survey entitled “Sound Broadcasting in Britain and the prospects for Commercial Radio” carried out by George T. Murray for Marketing Economics Ltd. also mentioned in CIB’s newsletter for members of January 1971.
1971 January, Policy statement entitled “Second Memorandum on Independent Broadcasting in the United Kingdom” covering issues related to VHF/FM and BBC second generation “local”, but in reality regional radio stations, FM slant polarization, separate FM and MW programming, the upcoming international radio frequency conference, “needle time” and the Musicians Union, sponsored programmes and the establishment of a “Broadcasting Council” for overseeing commercial and other independent radio stations.
1971 March, Newsletter to Members – with the latest news and programme schedule for Radio Nordsee International (RNI), CIB’s upcoming Annual General Meeting, the prospects for a UK national commercial radio station and a report on a meeting of the BBC’s “76 Group” at the Royal Festival Hall at which Hughie Green as well as CIB Chairman, David Prewett took part.
1971 25th April, Annual General Meeting Minutes reports on CIB’s activities, including the jamming of RNI and events leading up to the June 1970 General Election, the Government’s White Paper for commercial radio, Treasurer’s report and CIB’s future plans.
1971 June, Members’ Newsletter – featuring a review of the UK Government’s White Paper named “An Alternative Service of Radio Broadcasting”, meetings with M.P.’s Julian Critchley, Geoffrey Finsberg, Peter Rost, news of Radio Nordsee International (RNI), Capital Radio, Manx Radio, “Free Radio Campaign” and “Newsbeat” magazine.
1971 October, Members’ Newsletter – includes news about offshore radio stations Radio Nordsee International (RNI) and Radio Veronica, RNI’s souvenir book, Manx Radio, Newsbeat magazine, ITV-2 and North of England Free Radio Campaign.
1972 January, Members’ Newsletter – reviews CIB’s activities and developments during 1971 including the UK’s “Sound Broadcasting Bill” for the introduction of commercial radio, CIB’s meeting with the IBA’s John Thompson, RNI news and programme details, a brief review of Paul Harris’ book “To Be A Pirate King”, news of “Southend & District Free Radio Campaign” and “Newsbeat International”.
1972 30th April, CIB Constitution.
2013 17th November/11th December, email messages from David Prewett with his memories of Free Radio Association, National Commercial Radio Movement and Campaign For Independent Broadcasting.

Disc and Music Echo
1969 4th January, pages 13 & 14, “Pirate Radio is Dead” says Johnnie Walker.
Johnnie Walker’s article includes mention of our (National Commercial Radio Movement’s) work. Also included on these two pages is an article by David Hughes about offshore radio DJs entitled: “Where are they now?” and Caroline Boucher writing about “Death to micro-skirts this year”!

Free Radio Association
1967 29th May, Free Radio Rally report in “The Times”
1969 May, Booklet by Barry Schofield entitled: “The Free Radio Association – Rise & Fall Of A Misguided Association”.
1970, Spotlight magazine – A publication by the Free Radio Association providing “an insight into the structure and the work* of the FRA.

Free Radio Campaign (FRC)
1970, Free Radio News, Issue No.6.
1970 4th April, FRC letter concerning their merger with Free Radio Association.
1970 7th April, FRC letter concerning their merger with Free Radio Association.
1970, FRC publicity sheet entitled: “Free Radio Explained“.

International Telecommunications Union (ITU)
1948, Copenhagen Plan – Final Protocol. This document provides full details of the Medium Wave and Long Wave radio frequency plan for Europe which remained in force until it was replaced by the 1975 Geneva Frequency Plan.

London Weekly Advertiser & National Advertiser and Time & Tide
Starting about January 1967, the “London Weekly Advertiser & National Advertiser” included a 4-page supplement called “Radio News” dedicated to the offshore pirate radio stations, including news and programme listings. From about March 1967, “Radio News” was transferred to “Time & Tide” magazine. “Radio News” ceased publication before 15th August 1967 to avoid contravening the Marine Broadcasting (Offences) Act which made it illegal for UK citizens to advertise or supply goods and services to the pirate radio stations.
1967 17th January, “Radio News”.
1967 20th April, “Radio News” – from Time & Tide, Vol.47 No.51.
1967 11th May, “Radio News” – from Time & Tide, Vol.47 No.53.

National Commercial Radio Movement (NCRM)
1968, Brochure – provides an outline of NCRM’s aims and policies.
1968 August, Downing Street Coffin Protest report “The Times”.
1968 November, Newsletter to members – includes mention of meeting by NCRM Public Relations Officer, David Prewett, with Shadow (Conservative) Postmaster General, Paul Bryan, the Greater London Council radio license bid, the future of “pirate” radio, and what members can do themselves to campaign for the introduction of licensed independent radio.
1969 14th January, Letter from NCRM’s Hon. Public Relations Officer, Martin Rosen, in which he outlines NCRM’s main activities during its first 6 months existence, including drawing up its “Sound Broadcasting Study“, assisting a 1968 Free Radio Rally in Trafalgar Square and a “coffin demonstration” to 10 Downing street commemorating the death of competition in radio – the 1st anniversary of the passing of the law outlawing British subjects from supplying goods or services to offshore radio stations in August 1967. This “coffin demonstration” was reported by “The Times” and NCRM’s then Hon. Vice Chairman, David Prewett, recalls the event today: “The car provided (to carry the coffin) was actually my old estate car. I picked up the coffin (rented from a local firm of undertakers) on the previous day and it had been in the car all night in our drive at Thame – much to the interest of our neighbours. In the morning I drove down the M4 much to the interest of passing coach passengers who looked into the back of the estate car. I met Martin (Rosen), Caroline (Peters) and Fred Hasler in the Mall.”
1969 February, “Sound Broadcasting Study” – NCRM’s 1969 overview of how additional radio stations could be added by more efficient use of existing frequencies already used by the UK. Author: David Prewett, NCRM Vice-Chairman.
1969 February, Newsletter to members – topics include Greater London Council plans for local commercial radio, meeting with FRA, plans for a Free Radio Rally on 30th March 1969 and changes to the NCRM committee.
1969 January/March, NCRM report of meeting with Greater London Council (GLC) – this was held at the London Chamber of Commerce on 20th January 1969 when Leslie Freeman, Chairman of GLC General Purposes Committee, presented their local commercial radio bill. The GLC’s bill was however later rejected by the Labour government for the usual reasons (lack of available medium wave frequencies, harm to newspaper advertising revenues, etc.). Mr Roy Mason, the Postmaster General for the then Labour government, was however frank as to his government’s dogmatic opposition to commercial radio in principle when he stated in the House of Commons that: “My hon. Friend can rest assured that Government policy is not to allow local commercial radio stations.
1969 April, Press Release – NCRM’s assessment of the UK sound broadcasting situation, its objections to Government policy and its proposals for the introduction of independent radio.
1969 April, Newsletter to members.
1969 May, Newsletter to members – Topics covered include the Free Radio Rally in Trafalgar Square London scheduled for 10th August 1969, the move by the Greater London Council to introduce a radio station for the London area, an interview with Radio Caroline disc-jockey Roger Day and details of NCRM’s policy for the introduction of regional rather than local independent radio stations.
1969 July, Publicity sheet for the Free Radio Rally held in Trafalgar Square on 10th August 1969.
1969 September, Newsletter to members, reports on the Free Radio Rally on 10th August 1969, jointly organised by NCRM, Free Radio Campaign and Bristol Free Radio Movement and NCRM’s first birthday.
1969 October/November, Newsletter to members – topics include details of meeting with BBC’s “Campaign For Better Broadcasting“, the Conservative Party Conference, “Disc & Music Echo” opinion poll results and an interview with Spike Milligan with his views on independent radio.
1969 12th October, Report of Meeting between Fred Hasler (NCRM Chairman), Alex McKenna (Free Radio Campaign) and Geoffrey Pearl (Free Radio Association) concerning a possible merger.
1969 7th November, Meeting minutes concerning FRA merger discussions.
1970 January, Newsletter to members – matters discussed included unconfirmed report of a new offshore radio station soon to start broadcasting (RNI), a newspaper report about Ron O’Rahilly’s projected Caroline Television, Radio Sweden, and the BBC’s controversial plans for “Broadcasting in the Seventies“.
1970 February, Annual General Meeting report and minutes – this meeting recorded NCRM’s (National Commercial Radio Movement) name change to Campaign For Independent Broadcasting (CIB). This was to enable us to better promote other forms of independent broadcasting apart from commercial radio, such as non-commercial university radio, e.g. University Radio York. At this meeting Fred Hasler decided to stand down as Hon. Chairman and his place was taken by David Prewett who outlined NCRM/CIB’s achievements since it was formed in 1968:
* Fill the gap which other “free radio” groups had not covered, i.e. gaining attention and support from Members of Parliament and other influential people.
* Preparing, producing and distributing the NCRM “Sound Broadcasting Study” which sets out NCRM’s principles, highlights how the BBC misuses/wastes its allocated radio frequencies and how this can be remedied.

Record Retailer
1968 23rd December, page 5, “Blueprint for Free Radio”.
Half-page article by Paul Philips about proposals for commercial radio by the National Commercial Radio Movement (NCRM), including its “Sound Broadcasting Study“.

UK Ministry Of Posts & Telecommunications (MINPOSTTEL)
1970 July, Letters from Peggy Fenner, Conservative MP for Rochester and Chatham, Kent and from MINPOSTTEL concerning the jamming of Radio Nordsee International.
1970 14th July, Minutes of Meeting with Campaign For Independent Broadcasting.

World Radio TV Handbook (WRTVH)
1970, Table of Long Wave and Medium Wave Radio Station Transmitters
This extract from WRTVH for 1970 includes all LW and MW radio station transmitters in the European area (including fringe areas like North Africa, Middle East, West Asia) listed by frequency. For each frequency the table shows each transmitter power, location and country.
Compare this list with the radio frequency and transmitter power allocations listed in the 1948 ITU Copenhagen Plan (which remained in force until 1975) to illustrate how the offshore “pirate” radio stations of the 1960’s were arguably only slightly more liberal than many other “authorized” radio stations enjoying the protection of their respective countries.

1967, “A Little Requiem For Big L & Co“, excerpt from a book about “Swinging London” by journalist, Karl Dallas, published in early 1967, a few months before the passing of the Marine Broadcasting (Offences) Act.
1968, Dust cover for the first edition of “When Pirates Ruled The Waves” published in 1968 by Paul Harris showing the approximate locations of the 10 UK offshore radio stations broadcasting in the 1960’s.
1969 2nd January, Letter from Keith Skues.
1969, Thesis: “The Case For Commercial Broadcasting in the United Kingdom” by Mike Lane. Mike, who was a CIB member in the 1960’s, has kindly agreed that we publish his 1969 thesis, which he submitted for his Higher National Diploma Business course, which won him a high mark.
Mike said recently that back in the 1960’s he had wanted to join Radio Caroline:
“I have retained my interest in radio to the present day and still regret not joining Caroline in 1966 to take over from Tony Blackburn after he left the station when the ship (M.V. Mi Amigo) ran aground. Regrettably Tom Lodge, the Programme Director, felt I was too young to join at that stage, so I never went into radio. Instead, on completing my Business Studies course, I joined a Pharmaceutical Company based near me at Kew and …stayed in the industry for all of my career. I joined an ad agency in 1983 and 10 years later, together with 2 colleagues, formed a health-care agency which became one of the most successful start ups. Many years ago, I transferred my DXing to satellite TV and can now pick up thousands of TV stations from a multitude of satellites. But I still love radio… To my mind, internet radio is the future, not DAB.”
In its 16 pages, his comprehensive thesis compares the history of radio in the UK and USA, assesses the then prevailing BBC radio monopoly and its programme policy, summarises the arguments against monopoly broadcasting, the 1960’s offshore radio “pirates'” threat to the BBC’s monopoly and outlines a plan for future UK radio. Mike acknowledges help he received preparing his work from:
Desmond Plummer – Leader of the Greater London Council.
Tony Vickers – Associated Television (ATV).
Don Wardell – Head of News and Press services of Radio Luxembourg (London) Ltd.
James Fisher – Microphone Publicity, BBC Radios 1 and 2.
David A. Prewett – Vice-Chairman of the National Commercial Radio Movement (later Campaign for Independent Broadcasting).
Irwin Belofsky – Director of Publicity & Promotion at Radio New York Worldwide (WNYW).
Mr. H.N. Snashall – Head of BBC maintenance.
Anonymous lady representatives of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and the Australian Broadcasting Commission, London.
1971 22nd October, Letter from Keith Skues. The “Commercial Radio pamphlet” Keith refers to in this letter is NCRM’s “Sound Broadcasting Study“.
1973, “American Graffiti” The Making of the Movie. This informative documentary features many interviews and other footage of the cast and crew for the 1973 film “American Graffiti”, an American coming-of-age musical comedy-drama directed by George Lucas, produced by Francis Ford Coppola and starring DJ Wolfman Jack, Richard Dreyfuss, Ron Howard and Harrison Ford.

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